
Lebensgemeinschaft in Großbritannien, in der Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung zusammenleben

L'Arche is a living community where people with and without learning disabilities live together. The aim of L'Arche is to create communities which welcome people with learning disabilities.

  • 10-12 Monate

Aufgaben der Freiwilligen

1. Personal care of people with learning disabilities: Assisting with personal hygiene, dress, health needs of individuals in the house and accompanying and facilitating them with their leisure, social, practical and spiritual needs, fostering the development of their ability to make choices and decisions, and taking up the Reference role for one person in particular.
2. Building a family atmosphere: By developing relationships with all in the group, assisting in celebrations and supporting spiritual life so that there is an atmosphere of welcome and friendship.
3. Care of the home: Assisting with the cleaning of the house, the shopping, the cooking, the laundry and notifying the house leader of any maintenance issues.
4. Teams and meetings: Working as one of a team and participating in team and house meetings.
5. Administration: Carrying out delegated responsibilities for tasks such as record keeping, report writing, managing house or individual finances, medication, First Aid and Fire Safety.
6. Liaison: Being responsible for competent, clear communication with professionals, families of people with learning disabilities, neighbours, visitors and other members of L’Arche who are in contact with the House.
7. Training: to attend training and formation courses as applicable to this community role.

Volunteers will be required to work up to 48 hours a week and attend some community events. Volunteers have rest times every day, 2 rest days a week and 28 days holiday a year.

Großbritannien kurzinfos

  • Offizieller Name

    Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland

  • Klima


  • Bevölkerung

    66 Millionen

  • Sprache

    Englisch, Walisisch, Gälisch

Mehr Informationen >

Bewerben kann sich jeder im Alter zwischen 17 und 30 Jahren, der seinen Wohnsitz in Köln oder einer direkt angrenzenden Stadt oder Gemeinde hat.

Großbritannien kurzinfos

  • Bevölkerung

    66 Millionen

  • Klima


  • Offizieller Name

    Vereinigtes Königreich Großbritannien und Nordirland

  • Sprache

    Englisch, Walisisch, Gälisch

Mehr Informationen >

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Alles Liebe und bis bald!

Dein Team von freiwillig-freiwillig



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