
Mitarbeit in einem französischen Jugendinformationszentrum

The Regional Youth Information Centre or Centre Régional Information Jeunesse (CRIJ) Poitou-Charentes in Poitiers, is one of the 25 CRIJ in France (and over-seas). The CRIJ is an association which proposes services to the public in general thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes, the General Council of La Vienne, the Urban Community of Grand Poitiers and the city of Poitiers. The CRIJ proposes information and services that cover all themes of Youth Information : education, training courses, jobs, employment, health, everyday life, leisures and cultural activities, sports, holidays, Europe and other countries (education, training courses, jobs, employment, everyday life,...).

  • 10-12 Monate

  • Flugkosten werden gestellt

  • Unterkunft / Verpflegung werden übernommen

  • Es gibt Taschengeld

The volunteer in the CRIJ Nouvelle-Aquitaine - site de Poitiers helps a team in its everyday\'s activities, by bringing another point of view, her cultural approach, skills and ideas. The volunteer helps each employee in one or several projects depending on their importance. As a member of the team, the volunteer participates in all the meetings of the team. Step by step, the volunteer is trained to be autonomous in order to develop activities by her own initiative, but always supervised by a member of the team. The volunteer follows the basic training given to any employee working in the youth information regional network. The volunteer has the opportunity to learn how to search for information, search for reliable information sources, summarize information, gather different type of contents from different sources and propose it to the young people. The volunteer has the opportunity to learn how to analyze the requests of the public and to answer it. The volunteer can learn how to use internet, electronic mail, office program (word, excel, powerpoint). The volunteer will have the opportunity to learn how to work with diffelent kinds of media (radio, newspapers, etc.).
Many activities led by the volunteer will be linked with the European thematic. For example, the activities could be:
- Keeping up-to-date the social networks ( Facebook/Twitter) and websites
- Helping in writing a monthly newsletter about Europe
- Realizing programmes, posters and flyers for events organized by the CRIJ Nouvelle-Aquitaine - site de Poitiers
- Helping in the organization and participation in activities / events about the European union and European and international mobility (conferences, debates, exhibitions, forums)
- Organizing informal activities and animations about Europe (for example linguistic coffees)
- Presenting the European union and its role in schools
- Sharing her experience of international mobility and her vision of the European citizenship with various public
- Helping in welcoming the public at the CRIJ Nouvelle-Aquitaine - site de Poitiers
Nevertheless, the volunteer will be free to collaborate with the whole team and to participate in the implementation of the new projects of CRIJ. The volunteer will have the opportunity to do a personal project.

Frankreich kurzinfos

  • Offizieller Name

    Französische Republik

  • Klima

    mediterran, atlantisch, gemäßigt

  • Bevölkerung

    67 Millionen

  • Sprache


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Bewerben kann sich jeder im Alter zwischen 17 und 30 Jahren, der seinen Wohnsitz in Köln oder einer direkt angrenzenden Stadt oder Gemeinde hat.

Frankreich kurzinfos

  • Bevölkerung

    67 Millionen

  • Klima

    mediterran, atlantisch, gemäßigt

  • Offizieller Name

    Französische Republik

  • Sprache


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Deine Anfrage wurde erfolgreich übermittelt. Dein Interesse an einem Freiwilligen Internationalen Jahr (FIJ) kann der Anfang einer einzigartigen Reise zu neuen Perspektiven, Abenteuern, persönlichem Wachstum und unvergesslichen Lernerfahrungen sein. Wir danken dir für deinen Mut, deinen Traum vom FIJ zu verfolgen.

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Deine Anfrage wird nun zu den Expert*innen für dein gewähltes Lieblingsprojekt weitergeleitet. Sie werden sich in Kürze mit weiteren Details zu den nächsten Schritten bei dir melden. Bitte hab Verständnis dafür, dass dies etwas Zeit in Anspruch nehmen kann.

Wir bitten um deine Geduld und freuen uns, dass du für deinen Traum vom FIJ losgehst.

Alles Liebe und bis bald!

Dein Team von freiwillig-freiwillig



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